Sunday, November 6, 2011

Review - Gore #4

Gore #4 by GG Studios. Written by Alex Chippa. Drawn by Emilio Laiso. $2.99

Ahhhhh, when your horror title is not going as well as you want, just add lots of blood and guts and gore that should do it. Especially if you name your title Gore to start off with.

Ok, they make Hans and Gretal into fucking cannibals, that chop up young women, and eat them with salt, or as the book says too much salt. It is inventive but sheesh, it seems to me their creativity is going on the wayside in place of just blood and guts.

The art itself, which to start off intrigued me to get the comic, has come to make this almost a joke in its cartoon-like panels that that make this even worse. The main character looks more and more like Bruce Campbell with each issue and the story is going so far south anyone, even reading from the start, would be lost as hell in trying to figure this title out. It is a shame because the concept and overall art really could have made this a very unique horror comic, but they just fell back on the old adage that when in doubt, try to gross the hell out of your readers and they will just bypass the fact you did a shitty job on the story. Definitely pass this one up.

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